This movie was simply aweful. It was so boring! I found myself fast forwarding through it to find dialogue or action. So many minutes of film were wasted on scenes of people driving or walking! And then when I finally did find some dialogue, it was painfully bad. I would be hard pressed to find a line that wasn't a cliche. It was almost laughable ... almost.
Lets talk about acting now. Yeah, didn't really happen. I used to like Clive Owen, but now I'm not so sure. He had one (count them one) facial expression during the entire movie. That's not an exaggeration.
The plot was indecipherable. I mean, I got the general idea, but the relationships between the characters were never explained. I had no idea why anyone was doing what they were doing to anyone else. And the ending was one giant, inexplicable slap in the face. Simply terrible.
To top it all off, there was a rape scene. It wasn't graphic, but it doesn't have to be - it was disturbing.
Final Grade: F "m-i-n-e-s"
Blurb: This film is horrible. Don't watch it ever, ever. It's films like these that make Uwe Boll look competent.
i almost rented this movie a few times ... thanks for saving me the pain.